
Permanent Disability Cover

Permanent Disability as a result of an accident pays out cash less costs incurred.
The benefit builds on top of the Accident Hospitalisation benefit to include additional cover for permanent disability incurred as a result of the accident. The amount is available per event and is available immediately.

Accidental Permanent Disability:

Permanent Disability as defined in this policy, which directly and independently results within 24 calendar months of the accident. This benefits will only be considered by the insurer in the event of motivation received from a physician as defined in the policy wording.

Permanent Disability Benefit Includes

Dollar Bag
Pays cash amount less medical costs incurred
No Hospital Network
No hospital network
3 levels of cover to choose from
Waiting Period
Immediate cover, no waiting period

Like with the Accident benefit, pre-authorisation is needed and EssentialMED needs to be informed of the accident within 48 hours of the event occurring. Available once per policy lifetime. Any costs already paid under the Accident Hospitalisation benefit will be deducted from the benefit limit.

Permanent Disability means permanent and total loss of or use of (as a result of an accident):

  • Speech
  • Hearing in both ears
  • Sight in one or both eyes
  • Loss of one or both eyes

Choose from 3 Levels of Cover

Level 1
  • R200 000 Principal Insured only less any accident costs already paid under the Accidental Hospitalization benefit (Once per policy lifetime)
Level 2
  • R250 000 Principal Insured only less any accident costs already paid under the Accidental Hospitalization benefit (Once per policy lifetime)
Level 3
  • R250 000 Principal Insured and Spouse less any accident costs already paid under the Accidental Hospitalization benefit (Once per policy lifetime)

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