See more for less with free eye tests and
glasses on our optometry
Your eyes are your window to a colourful world. Let us be your window to a pretty
generous optometry
benefit. Look after your and your family's vision under our Day-to-Day cover.
Optometry Benefit Includes
Eye tests, glasses & frames
Nationwide network through Spec-Savers
3 levels of cover to choose from
12 months waiting period
Choose from 3 Levels of Cover
Level 1
Free eye-test and single vision lenses and frames per member
every 24 months.
Level 2
Free eye-test and single vision or bifocal lenses and frames per
member every 24 months.
Level 3
Free eye-test and single vision or bifocal lenses and frames per
member every 24 months.
Alternatively, 4 packages of contact lenses to the value of R370
each (per package) every 24 months. A package should last a
member 6 months.
Unlimited formulary medication when dispensed or scripted from your network doctor.
Unlimited chronic medication for 24 specified chronic conditions according to our approved
Unlimited managed consultations & formulary procedures like pain control, fillings,
extractions and cleaning at your network dentist.
Select your level of cover to include crowns & root canals.