The Official National Department of Health COVID-19 Support Service: 060 012 3456 (WhatsApp)

Dentistry Cover

Unlimited managed dentist visits and procedures.
Keep your winning smile by going to the dentist as often as you need to. We’re not sure anyone ever really wants to go to a dentist, but you really should. Prevention is better than cure and an apple a day may get stuck in your teeth.

Dentistry Benefit Includes

Unlimited Managed dental treatment for consultations, pain control, fillings and extractions on our nationwide network. Specialised dentistry e.g.: wisdom removal, surgical removal, orthodontic etc. will be excluded from this benefit.
Huge Network
Nationwide network of dentists
3 levels of cover to choose from
Waiting Period
6 month waiting period

Choose from 3 Levels of Cover

Level 1
  • Cleaning, pain control, amalgam fillings and normal extractions.
Level 2
  • Includes all of Benefit Level 1 benefits plus
  • 1 Root Canal Treatment up to R2200 per event per member within a 12- month period.
  • 1 Crown per member to the value of R4950 per event within a 24-month period. Resin fillings included.
Level 3
  • Includes all of Benefit Level 1 benefits plus
  • 2 Root Canal Treatments to the value of R2200 per event per member within a 12-month period.
  • 2 Crowns per member to the value of R4950 per event within a 24- month period. Resin fillings included
  • Dentures to the value of R2000 per annum

More Day-to-Day benefits